“Despite being the fifth largest economy in the world with solid headline GDP growth, the U.K. is at risk of…
“As the island nation has attempted to chart its own course and ‘take back control’, its Economy has suffered. And…
“The war in Ukraine has united the EU and exposed the geopolitical folly of leaving, as well as the economic…
“Our latest outlook suggests a legacy of Covid and Brexit is an increasingly unbalanced economy with a growing reliance on household spending to drive growth. Such economic imbalances leave the…
“Persevering with this policy, as Labour suggests, is as bad as persevering with this charlatan prime minister.” https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/feb/20/how-much-longer-do-we-have-to-pretend-that-brexit-might-work
“In one line: underlying trade deficit widens due to surging energy prices. The headline trade deficit continues to paint an…
“In one line: still trailing most of its G7 peers; exports remain a key area of weakness.” https://www.pantheonmacro.com/documents/uk-publications/i/uk-datanote-uk-gdp-q4-december-2021/
“Meanwhile, Allan rejected suggestions from the Bank of England’s governor that people should not ask for big pay rises because…
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jan/31/covid-easy-scapegoat-economic-disruption-brexit-biting?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other Covid has been an easy scapegoat for economic disruption, but Brexit is biting | Anand Menon | The Guardian…
“Research shows the Leave vote had a sizeable negative effect on the economy even before the UK left the EU.…