“Thousands of European drivers left the industry after the Brexit vote and in the ensuing years. The lorry-driver shortage is very…
“Agricultural supply chain completely breaks down.” https://youtu.be/NaymjFWY5_c
“The reality is now beginning to dawn on people…perhaps this was not such a bright idea.” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6bpnGrD1FHw&feature=youtu.be
“And yes, the shortages are all down to ‘Brexit’” https://eastangliabylines.co.uk/hauliers-dismiss-bring-in-the-army-plans-to-stock-supermarket-shelves/
“All in all, the losses to Scotch whisky exports have been eye-watering, as a result of a Tory ‘Brexit’.” https://www.scotsman.com/news/politics/brexit-costing-whisky-industry-ps5-million-per-week-snp-claim-3338190?amp
“The UK’s EU departure was supposed to re-invigorate our fishing industry. Instead, it has forced the country’s last distant-water trawler…
“A fisherman from Felixstowe said: ‘They can increase the quota a hundred-fold and we won’t be able to catch more.…
“We’ve been hung out to dry by ‘Brexit’ already and we need action.” https://www.sussexexpress.co.uk/news/people/newhaven-fishermen-discuss-threats-to-sussexs-seas-with-maria-caulfield-mp-3331146
“Supermarkets put up photos of farmers and slap Union Jacks on everything, but Scottish growers are not being treated fairly.”…