TRIBUNE. Sylvain Kahn, professeur à Sciences Po, montre l’impact délétère du Brexit pour le Royaume-Uni. « Take back control »,…
Don Adamson writes from Yorkshire on the latest mayhem which contributes to our Britastrophe. This week’s quotes: “Johnson’s ‘levelling up’ agenda…
“Every parent wants their children to grow up in a healthy environment with clean water, fresh air and thriving natural…
“Judging by the disastrous growth plan announced in the ‘mini-budget’, the Tories are no longer the party of the economy,…
Visa costs are not the whole story however. As a non-EU member the UK also requires the participants to go…
“Truss’s aim to scrap all EU legacy regulations in the UK is spiteful as well as plain dangerous. These regulations exist for…
Now Boris Johnson’s gone, all but the most hardened of leavers can see through those rosy visions of life outside…
In 2011, the figures were 40% British only, 25% Irish only and 21% Northern Irish only. Brexit’s fingerprints are all…
‘Political community’ gives PM a break from her party – but hope of reset in UK-EU relations may be unrealistic…
And how ironic those words ended up being, as this Government’s Orwellian Brexit Freedoms Bill launches an attack on nature…