“What’s been claimed is that DUP minister Edwin Poots needs Executive approval to continue implementing protocol checks at ports and…
“For many, the root of Britain’s existential crisis today is ‘Brexit’ – an apparent spasm of English nationalism that has…
“Amsterdam ended 2021 as Europe’s top share-trading venue, holding its lead over London despite efforts by the British financial centre…
“Inflation is rising, worker shortages are grinding us down and consumers are hurting, but Johnson is introducing measures which will…
https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/brexit-is-a-collective-english-mental-breakdown-1.3356258 akdown
“Companies in the ITV Anglia region say new customs controls are causing delays and could lead to problems with supply.”…
“The UK government should start negotiations to seek to rejoin the EU. We believe promises made during the EU referendum…
“In some areas, the impact of the “hard” version of Brexit negotiated by Johnson has been acute. And despite promises…
“The creative destruction Conservatives thought they were unleashing with ‘Brexit’ has created nothing of value and left only rubble behind.” https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/dec/25/all-revolutions-devour-their-own-children-just-look-at-brexiters?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other…
The True—and Mounting—Costs of Leaving the EU https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-kingdom/2021-12-30/never-ending-brexit?utm_medium=promo_email&utm_source=lo_flows&utm_campaign=registered_user_welcome&utm_term=email_1&utm_content=20220104