“Amid renewed focus on the UK’s control of its borders as catastrophe unfolds in the Channel, a staggering 52% of…
“A combination of changing immigration rules related to ‘Brexit’ and many workers going home during the pandemic and not returning…
“Dissatisfaction over EU exit has risen in recent months.” https://www.independent.co.uk/politics/brexit-uk-latest-yougov-poll-b1965140.html
“The Celtic-mad musician said ‘Brexit’ was an ‘enormous error’ and joked that Johnson should have called him for advice.” https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/rod-stewart-backs-second-scottish-25514709?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar
Latest updates: Macron slams Johnson for trying to negotiate with him via Twitter as it cancels talks with UK officials…
Fishers are planning blockade of Channel tunnel and Calais port over issuance of licences French fishers blocked off the Normandy…
Members of industry association say large number of vehicles will be used to block key artery between nations French fishers…
“Citing the increased trade that an independent Scotland re-joining the EU would bring, Jan Jambon said Scottish exports that would…
“A motion accusing the UK government of ‘infringing on the sovereignty of the Scottish Parliament’ with the Shared Prosperity Fund…