“An office in the Danish capital is set to open early next year, while an HQ in Warsaw will follow…
“Gerald Darmanin says UK ministers must stop saying one thing in private while insulting his country in public.” https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/nov/28/uks-double-talk-on-channel-crisis-must-stop-says-french-interior-minister?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
“We’re told the Northern Ireland Protocol has failed and must go – but nothing could be further from the truth.”…
“It’s now beyond rational debate that ‘Brexiters’ sold false dreams. [‘Brexit’] has turned out to be a flawed idea.” https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/after-brexit-and-channel-death-spats-with-france-and-germany-the-shallowness-of-global-britain-is-undeniable/ar-AARed6v?ocid=st
“If I recall well, the main slogan of the referendum campaign was ‘take back control’. Since the UK ‘took back…
“It comes nearly 60 years after a Franco-German treaty signed by Konrad Adenauer and Charles de Gaulle gave new impetus…
“The truth is that corruption, lying and xenophobia set in the moment Leave won the ‘Brexit’ referendum and Theresa May…
“With the SNP securing its fourth consecutive term in the Scottish government this year, an independence referendum is likely. Scotland…
“Amid renewed focus on the UK’s control of its borders as catastrophe unfolds in the Channel, a staggering 52% of…
“A combination of changing immigration rules related to ‘Brexit’ and many workers going home during the pandemic and not returning…