“A customs expert told The Loadstar that alongside the Goods Vehicle Movement Service system crashing on Jan 1, importers had…
“Amsterdam ended 2021 as Europe’s top share-trading venue, holding its lead over London despite efforts by the British financial centre…
“Inflation is rising, worker shortages are grinding us down and consumers are hurting, but Johnson is introducing measures which will…
“Unite’s national officer for steel said the government needed to explain why the EU had a deal, but the UK…
Supply chain disruption and staff shortages held back economy in December Britain’s manufacturers have suffered a drop in export demand…
“The government is wilfully undermining the ability of Britain’s business community to export successfully to the EU.” https://fedtrust.co.uk/global-britain-is-fading-under-strained-international-supply-chains-and-brexit-woes/
“Even EU artists working in the UK get a better deal than Britons in (continental) Europe. Talk about an own…
“If we don’t get rapid and decisive progress…this will have major implications for the stability of the political institutions in…
“Jonathan Powell says Johnson and ‘Brexit’ ministers are risking fragile peace in Northern Ireland and ‘don’t seem to care’.” https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jan/02/ni-peace-architect-accuses-boris-johnson-of-casual-political-vandalism?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
“External Affairs Secretary Angus Robertson described ‘Brexit’ as an ‘ongoing, cumulative calamity’.” https://www.thenational.scot/news/19818136.myriad-harms-brexit-caused-scotland/