Oxford and Cambridge universities, once given more than £130m a year in total by European research programmes, are now getting…
Brexit is having a significant negative effect on health and social care and is making existing challenges in the sector…
German-style political stability and long-term science funding could help mitigate the damage, say Zach Meyers and John Springford. Read More <img src="https://brexitcarnage.org/wp-content/plugins/feedzy-rss-feeds/img/feedzy.svg"…
… UK’s prominence in the world research field is at risk of “brain drain” after concerns for EU research funding…
… leader in research is at risk due to a “significant brain drain” as the industry’s brightest talents relocate overseas…
British-based Nobel prize winner says hopes for securing an alliance with the crucial Horizon Europe collaboration are fading fast. Read More <img…
From the Brexit vote to the mini-budget in September 2022, economic policy in the UK has been uncertain, a feature…
Read More Under the Brexit deal’s complaint procedures, the UK’s mid-August complaint will soon move to arbitration if an agreement…