“Firms have warned that it’s too expensive to have to follow two different sets of complex rules.” https://inews.co.uk/news/return-uk-possible-eu-brexit-reset-starmer-told-3385015
“Britain would not be immune to a trade war.” https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-14088379/Brussels-warning-White-House-harmful-tariffs.html?ico=mol_mobile_moneymarkets-newtab&molReferrerUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%2Fmoney%2Fmarkets%2Findex.html&_gl=1*cbentx*_ga*MTU0MDI3Nzg1NS4xNzMxODU1MTY0*_ga_C9F47K6NW6*MTczMTg1NTE2NC4xLjAuMTczMTg1NTIzNS42MC4wLjE1NTkyNzA5Mzk.
Read More At the World Cheese Awards in Portugal, British entries were conspicuous by their absence after failing to clear…
A top trade adviser for Donald Trump has demanded that the UK ditches the ‘socialist’ EU in favour of…
Survey finds Windsor Framework rules, under which the North continues to follow some EU laws on goods, backed by majority…
“UK trade is in a dangerous predicament.” https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/donald-trump-trade-tariffs-uk-deal-protectionism-brexit-b2643767.html
Exclusive: Warning from a leading trade expert comes as new projections show tariffs imposed by Trump could shrink the UK…
“The ‘Single Trade Window’ has been beset with problems.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/nov/06/delay-brexit-border-single-trade-window
Nearly all are deemed ‘high-risk’ and so will need customs declarations and phytosanitary certificates. Read More
“A new system of post-Brexit border checks at Dover took effect in April, but critics say they leave open the…