‘Every barrier in the world went up overnight’: Some bands are skipping the UK because of Brexit | Sky News

“After leaving the EU, those involved in British events are facing challenges and calling for support.” https://news.sky.com/story/every-barrier-in-the-world-went-up-overnight-music-festivals-call-for-help-with-brexit-issues-12658850

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As Dover shows, Brexit is going from a philosophical debate to a real disaster | The Independent

“The delusion and dogma of Brexit will increasingly run up against everyday realities.” https://www.independent.co.uk/independentpremium/editors-letters/dover-brexit-lorries-disaster-france-calais-b2131404.html?fbclid=IwAR0bMCXtaCilLMu3428rq5mgEsccM1IfYDRHGbKvDUHo80ll9Ad0d8dzutA

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