“Alexandra Hall Hall said a senior member of Johnson’s cabinet told a US think-tank audience that the only people worried…
“When you spend years negotiating a treaty and then, a few months later, you do the opposite of what was…
Both sides say serious gaps remain but negotiations will resume next week Talks between the EU and the UK on…
“The Covid threat to GDP is waning, but don’t expect the pain wrought by leaving the EU to subside any…
“Impact of quitting EU has become top issue facing the nation, survey finds.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-covid-top-concern-poll-b1947002.html Share the news
“Alexandra Hall-Hall says Johnson’s government ‘damagingly’ downplayed the impact of ‘Brexit’ on the Northern Irish peace process.” https://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/uk-diplomat-asked-to-peddle-half-truths-about-brexit-s-impact-on-ireland-1.4711626 Share the…
“Leavers and Remainers are equally unhappy with how ‘Brexit’ has turned out, a survey in the border area has confirmed,…
Two Royal Navy vessels put in ‘high readiness’ to tackle potential port blockades France’s ambassador in London was summoned and…
“We are not at 1970s levels of inflation, but we are now experiencing enough inflation that real pain will be…
“The independent Office for Budget Responsibility has calculated that the scarring effect of covid lockdowns on the UK economy is…