Tesco warns of panic-buying as ’empty shelves will get ten times worse’ | CityAM

“A shortfall of 800 drivers has prompted Tesco to warn about panic-buying in the run-up to Christmas.”  https://www.cityam.com/tesco-warns-of-panic-buying-as-empty-shelves-will-get-ten-times-worse/amp/?utm_source=izooto&utm_medium=push_notifications&utm_campaign=Tesc&__twitter_impression=true Share the…

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Christmas tree warning as Scots growers struggle with shortages due to Brexit | Daily Record

“Scotland farmers say the festive tradition could be the latest casualty of supply issues caused by ‘Brexit’.” https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/christmas-tree-warning-scots-growers-25042458.amp?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar&__twitter_impression=true Share the…

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