Our politicians won’t mention the B-word – but Brexit has made Britain’s economic crisis worse | The Independent

“Our silence over the issue is compounding the problem.” https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/brexit-cost-of-living-bank-england-b2080673.html Our politicians won’t mention the B-word – but Brexit has…

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US-UK trade deal ‘never going to happen’, warns former Bank of England bigwig as he says high inflation is down to Brexit | City AM

“It really seems like ‘Brexit’ has to bear a disproportionate role in explaining the inflation.” https://www.cityam.com/us-uk-trade-deal-never-going-to-happen-warns-former-bank-of-england-bigwig-as-he-says-high-inflation-is-down-to-brexit/

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‘Don’t ignore Brexit’, SNP bosses say as local elections draw near | Aberdeen Live

“Blackford accused his opponents of ignoring ‘Brexit’ ‘simply because it may be politically uncomfortable or inconvenient’.” https://www.aberdeenlive.news/news/aberdeen-news/dont-ignore-brexit-snp-bosses-7025864?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar

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