“Recruitment and a loss of access to data and networks are some of the challenges facing the Food Standards Agency…
“The banker and former regulator has seen many crises in his career, but war and political division have him worried.”…
“Johnson’s dad has successfully applied for a French passport despite last month claiming ‘Brexit’ was ‘probably a good idea’ after…
“Food Standards Agency is shut out of EU’s ‘rapid alert system’ – and faces huge extra costs to build alternative…
“Our silence over the issue is compounding the problem.” https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/brexit-cost-of-living-bank-england-b2080673.html Our politicians won’t mention the B-word – but Brexit has…
“It really seems like ‘Brexit’ has to bear a disproportionate role in explaining the inflation.” https://www.cityam.com/us-uk-trade-deal-never-going-to-happen-warns-former-bank-of-england-bigwig-as-he-says-high-inflation-is-down-to-brexit/
“This is a reaction to the economic trap Britain is in, intensified by the implosion in its EU trade post-‘Brexit’…
“The Tories suffered a serious setback in the UK local elections. Johnson is paying the price for discontent linked to…
“‘Brexit’ cited as reason for growing numbers of applications for Irish passports in North.” https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/more-irish-than-uk-passports-issued-in-northern-ireland-for-first-time-1.4867712
“Blackford accused his opponents of ignoring ‘Brexit’ ‘simply because it may be politically uncomfortable or inconvenient’.” https://www.aberdeenlive.news/news/aberdeen-news/dont-ignore-brexit-snp-bosses-7025864?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar