DUP and Orange Order claims about impact of protocol dismissed by independent verifiers as ‘cherry picking’ | Irish News

“In detailed analysis of the remarks, FactCheckNI concludes there was little or no supporting evidence for the claims.” https://www.irishnews.com/news/northernirelandnews/2022/06/23/news/dup-and-orange-order-claims-about-impact-of-protocol-dismissed-by-independent-verifiers-as-cherry-picking–2751857/

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Micheal Martin says DUP Assembly speaker block is ‘unsatisfactory’ | Belfast Telegraph

“The evidence is growing that the protocol is having a beneficial impact on the Northern Ireland economy.” https://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/micheal-martin-says-dup-assembly-speaker-block-is-unsatisfactory-41646585.html

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