“The UK, rather than leaping boldly into a brave new future, is imploding. Europe, meanwhile, seems to have found a…
“This is a new position which will support Wales in staying connected to the EU and ensuring businesses and communities…
“The government is wilfully undermining the ability of Britain’s business community to export successfully to the EU.” https://fedtrust.co.uk/global-britain-is-fading-under-strained-international-supply-chains-and-brexit-woes/
“Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU with every Scottish local authority choosing to reject ‘Brexit’.” https://www.snp.org/real-cost-of-brexit/?fbclid=IwAR3m63XL23qG2lquAYtwQH4eRHgMZoomVD9othCDAl44osvWKDeTwg7mfGc
“I think ‘Brexit’ has turned out badly. I will use my influence and my vote to ensure we rejoin the…
“‘Brexit’ red tape has caused a ‘severe’ slump in the number of young people in Britain able to take advantage…
“The US and EU on Sunday agreed to end their trade dispute on steel and aluminium.” https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/news/eu-and-us-slash-tariffs-start-cooperating-on-green-steel/
“The idea that people will be willing to uproot themselves and come back to work in this country for a…
“We can do better than we’re doing right now. Independence in Europe is the answer to the problems Scotland has.”…
“Exports from Britain to the EU contracted sharply, by 20%, compared to the same period in June 2020.” https://www.cityam.com/eu-exports-to-britain-jump-as-trade-surplus-widens/amp/?__twitter_impression=true