“Von Der Leyen has rejected in the clearest terms Johnson’s demand to re-negotiate the ‘Brexit’ rules for Northern Ireland. If…
“The EU is set to hand Britain a final warning to meet its commitments under the Northern Ireland Protocol as the…
“The government’s botched trade deal has left firms with two options: relocation, or red tape and regulations that will make…
“Almost all economists expect a further hit to income growth as trade with the EU becomes more costly.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-vote-cost-trade-eu-b1843018.html
“Doubts are growing in Brussels as to whether Johnson ever plans to implement the Northern Ireland protocol. The EU is…
“Sales to Ireland, UK’s biggest market, fall by more than two-thirds.” https://www.irishtimes.com/business/agribusiness-and-food/brexit-cuts-uk-food-and-drink-exports-to-eu-by-almost-half-1.4597063?mode=amp&__twitter_impression=true
“Sefcovic said Brussels wouldn’t be shy in acting swiftly, firmly and resolutely to ensure the UK abides by its international…
“The EU has no intention of letting the UK wriggle out of what it signed up to.” https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/uk/eu-warns-patience-is-wearing-thin-on-uk-s-approach-to-ni-protocol-1.4586890?mode=amp&__twitter_impression=true