“Dozens of ferry routes avoiding Welsh ports have been established between Ireland and mainland Europe over the past year because…
“News that AstraZeneca has chosen Ireland will be a blow to the UK post-‘Brexit’.” https://www.irishtimes.com/business/health-pharma/bitter-pill-for-uk-as-astrazeneca-to-locate-new-facility-in-dublin-1.4679646
“The value of imports from Britain declined 35% in the first five months of 2021 compared to the same period…
“‘Brexit’ has led to a dramatic drop in freight volumes between Ireland and Britain.” https://m.independent.ie/business/brexit/brexit-has-redrawn-the-shipping-map-for-irish-freight-trade-with-britain-40748302.html
“Parting ways with the EU has left Johnson’s government facing foreign-policy setbacks in Gibraltar, the Channel and Ireland.” https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-08-01/max-hastings-brexit-s-predictable-crises-in-gibraltar-the-channel-ireland Max Hastings:…
“Some car dealers in Ireland are now importing vehicles from Japan rather than Britain due to a VAT hike brought…
“Deepening relationship between Ireland and France bearing fruit after UK exit from EU.” https://www.irishtimes.com/special-reports/business-ireland-magazine/ireland-france-links-grow-stronger-in-wake-of-brexit-1.4599372
“Sales to Ireland, UK’s biggest market, fall by more than two-thirds.” https://www.irishtimes.com/business/agribusiness-and-food/brexit-cuts-uk-food-and-drink-exports-to-eu-by-almost-half-1.4597063?mode=amp&__twitter_impression=true
“I believe in the unification of our island and I believe it can happen in our lifetime.” https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/politics/arid-40314683.html?type=amp