“‘The five years since the UK formally left the EU has brought increased chaos and instability for the UK economy…
Energy UK said there needs to be clarity about how the tax known as a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism will…
DUP leader Gavin Robinson accuses UK government of ‘surrendering to EU diktats’ Read More
Alliance doesn’t sit on the fence, it walks a tightrope – but it has fallen off over EU regulations. Read More
… UK government) after a two-year Brexit impasse. A lot has changed since — including new leaders for three of…
Read More UK government has been asked to veto EU law update applying in Northern Ireland relating to chemical labelling…
“As part of the single market, EU laws still apply in Northern Ireland.” https://news.sky.com/story/british-businesses-stop-shipping-to-northern-ireland-due-to-updated-rules-13271068
The vote to continue with the contentious arrangements passed on a straight majority basis with 48 MLAs voting in favour…
An emergency legal bid to prevent a Stormont vote on continuing post-Brexit trading arrangements for Northern Ireland is to be…
“Eight in 10 unionists say ministers are right to meet with representatives of active loyalist paramilitaries.” https://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/politics/extent-of-backing-for-dup-ministers-meetings-with-loyalist-paramilitary-representatives-revealed/a1664014396.html?hConversionEventId=AQEAAZQF2gAmdjYwMDAwMDE5My0yMDBmLThjMjItYjk5My1jNjRiMjJjOWVlMzfaACQ1M2I0OWZkZS1iYjVlLTRlNmItMDAwMC0wMjFlZjNhMGJjYzbaACRmNmQzZWJjNi02YWQwLTQ5MjctOTQyNC05NzdkMTRmOGVjOTNluLcGw6ElxOlVk5PodDvFLWbsLslLbzmOPI1nQNGhkg&utm_campaign=BT:Politics&utm_content=zone_name&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_source=&utm_term=0-0