Why does Northern Ireland matter so much? https://socialeurope.eu/brexit-why-does-northern-ireland-matter-so-much
“Really, Scotland, go. Save yourselves because you can. And eventually Wales too. And Northern Ireland too, provided it doesn’t end…
“The UK had no clear ‘Brexit’ end-game and no idea how to resolve the problems with the protocol.” https://www.irishtimes.com/business/economy/northern-ireland-protocol-likely-to-be-permanent-sore-in-brexit-process-1.4681071
“Northern Ireland bottlers are getting their carbon dioxide from EU countries while GB remains paralysed by the closure of huge…
“Northern Ireland’s stability is in fresh peril, with the DUP threatening to pull out of power-sharing in Stormont. A third…
“Trade between Northern Ireland and Great Britain is being hammered. Trade between NI and the Republic of Ireland and the…
“The result has been to create a fresh blizzard of red tape and large new costs for traders.” https://www.economist.com/britain/2021/09/04/for-northern-ireland-brexit-means-red-tape-and-subsidies
“This year’s slump mirrors the party’s unprecedented turmoil over how ‘Brexit’ has turned out for NI.” https://www.politico.eu/article/democratic-unionist-party-brexit-northern-ireland-donaldson/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
“Trade between Northern Ireland and the Republic has soared this year, while life for British exporters looks set to get…
“Before ‘Brexit’, Wales was the biggest recipient of EU funds, receiving twice as much as Scotland and four times as…