“Eight in 10 unionists say ministers are right to meet with representatives of active loyalist paramilitaries.” https://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/politics/extent-of-backing-for-dup-ministers-meetings-with-loyalist-paramilitary-representatives-revealed/a1664014396.html?hConversionEventId=AQEAAZQF2gAmdjYwMDAwMDE5My0yMDBmLThjMjItYjk5My1jNjRiMjJjOWVlMzfaACQ1M2I0OWZkZS1iYjVlLTRlNmItMDAwMC0wMjFlZjNhMGJjYzbaACRmNmQzZWJjNi02YWQwLTQ5MjctOTQyNC05NzdkMTRmOGVjOTNluLcGw6ElxOlVk5PodDvFLWbsLslLbzmOPI1nQNGhkg&utm_campaign=BT:Politics&utm_content=zone_name&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_source=&utm_term=0-0
“Labour grandees say rows that led to resignation of PM’s top aide ‘uncomfortable’.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/sue-gray-keir-starmer-harriet-harman-b2624905.html
“They’ve lacked a political narrative.” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/10/07/politics-latest-news-keir-starmer-sue-gray-labour-budget/
“The Treasury has acknowledged that key tax-raising plans were under review.” https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/10/07/world/politics/starmer-reset-100-days/
New prime minister is facing calls to act from his own backbenches Read More
Enterprise Minister Simon Coveney, one of Ireland’s highest-profile government members, is stepping down ahead of the election of a new…
“He said that while some things had been done right, such as free schools and Brexit, ‘overall…if we leave office…
The first Brexit in 2009 was a political one, when David Cameron took the Conservative Party out of the European…
3) A sensible response from Mayors, local MPs and local authorities on building and supporting the excellent basis we have…
“On Brexit, Sunak has rejected the closer relationship with Brussels sought by much of British business. He is sacrificing jobs…