“With the SNP securing its fourth consecutive term in the Scottish government this year, an independence referendum is likely. Scotland…
“As the Highland tourist season comes to an end, some hotels are closing early due to lack of staff. If…
“While we may no longer be a member of the EU, under the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement, the UK…
“I don’t believe the UK government has Scotland’s best interest at heart. I dread to think what would happen if…
“We are ending our most important international trading relationship with only a ‘thin’ trade deal.” https://www.gallowaygazette.co.uk/news/politics/south-west-group-vows-fight-restore-scotlands-place-eu-3092128 South West group…
“One third of Scots say empty supermarket shelves and closed petrol-station forecourts boost the case for Scotland to restore freedom…
“We’ll leave others to snipe from the sidelines; we’re 100% focused on creating a greener and fairer Scotland and a…
“The choice of Sturgeon reflects the continued and growing recognition that Scotland and she enjoy in the rest of the…
“It’s time to dispel the myth that Scotland is a poor and destitute country.” https://www.independenceforscotland.com/2020/02/scotlands-hidden-trillions.html?m=1
“‘Scotland would give its right arm for a deal like ours’, Kelly says.” https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/oct/18/tories-sacrificing-northern-ireland-brexit-purity-boris-johnson?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other&__twitter_impression=true