Lord Alan Sugar has urged Keir Starmer to ‘get down on bended knee and beg’ the EU to let…
“Trump is tilting towards Russia.” https://euromovescotland.org.uk/starmers-only-choice-europe/
“If Starmer wants to end the crippling cost of Brexit to Britain’s economy, he must go further.” https://app.theneweuropean.co.uk/story/129078/content.html
“Starmer’s own aides, let alone his MPs, know he’s a dud.” https://www.thenational.scot/politics/24937747.owen-jones-beginning-end-zombie-keir-starmer/?ref=ebbn&nid=1457&u=524e924e2fd001e39172236d4b7a6fb7&date=140225
With Trump back in the White House, politicians on both sides of the Channel need to acknowledge the urgency of…
Editorial: Sir Keir Starmer’s caution has yet to persuade voters, while discontent fuels a resurgent right that thrives by boosting…
“The Brexit project…didn’t work.” https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/keir-starmer-eu-brexit-emmanuel-macron-donald-trump-tariffs-b1208710.html
“Nobody has been discussing as a priority the relationship with London.” https://www.politico.eu/article/brussels-lower-expectation-keir-starmer-brexit-reset/
“We await the action that would give meaning to the words.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/feb/02/starmer-should-end-uks-cycle-of-hesitation-with-eu-says-neil-kinnock
“EU sources fear that opening negotiations with a Britain that, in their eyes, doesn’t know what it wants will be…