UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s support for Ukraine’s bid to join the EU shows the UK’s exit was a mistake, the Rejoin EU Party says.Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed an application for his country to join the EU.The bloc has responded by saying it would consider it, amid reported suggestions that it could be fast-tracked given the urgent nature of the situation.Johnson responded to the move by telling an audience in Poland yesterday he believed Ukrainian EU membership was “entirely reasonable” as part of wider efforts to improve European security.The Rejoin EU Party believes Johnson’s comments amount to a tacit acknowledgement that the UK would be better off not having left the bloc.Party leader Richard Hewison said: “Does this mean Johnson now thinks the UK’s EU membership was ‘entirely reasonable’ and that leaving was a mistake?“Is he now ashamed of leading the campaign for a policy Putin supported as part of his strategy to weaken and divide Europe?“The British people, in their admiration for the Ukrainians now fighting and dying to be part of a united Europe, should be asking themselves why they too should not have the same ambition and re-join the EU which it is becoming daily clearer, and for the deepest reasons, we should never have left.”
The Rejoin EU party is campaigning to re-join the EU because we believe the UK belongs at the heart of Europe and re-joining is the only way to solve the problems Brexit has created.Brexit is broken and it’s breaking our country too. All the promises on which Brexit was sold to the electorate in 2016 are now increasingly exposed as fantasy.Far from bringing the promised reduction in red tape and bureaucracy and providing £350m a week for the NHS, Brexit makes trading with the crucial European market more complex, difficult and expensive and threatens to reduce funding for public services.Sectors such as farming, fisheries & financial services, supposed to benefit from Brexit, now face an uncertain future.If you agree Brexit is making our country poorer, less tolerant and less united, join us and send a message to Westminster that you want your EU membership back, along with all its freedoms and benefits.One of those benefits was membership of student exchange scheme Erasmus – sign our petition to re-join it here: Rejoin EU at or visit our website at You can also follow the party on Twitter at @rejoinp
We want very soon UK in Europe again, specilly for young next generation. can’t be isolated in an great island, please come !