Prague European summit may be a relief for Truss, but Brexit won’t go away | The Guardian

‘Political community’ gives PM a break from her party – but hope of reset in UK-EU relations may be unrealistic

After a bruising fortnight of political turmoil, market panic and vicious Tory party infighting, Thursday offers something of a perhaps unexpected respite for Britain’s embattled prime minister, Liz Truss: a European summit in the gothic and baroque splendour of Prague Castle.

Truss is attending the first meeting of the European Political Community (EPC), a new group proposed by the EU but set to include nearly every country on the continent, barring Russia and Belarus. This new geopolitical talking shop will discuss the war in Ukraine, but also how disparate countries can work together on common interests such as energy. Expected to attend are the 27 EU member states plus 17 non-EU countries, from Azerbaijan to Iceland.

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