An Easter message from the Rejoin EU Party

An Easter message from the Rejoin EU Party

After what I hope was a pleasant Easter for you all, the next month will be an eventful one for the Rejoin EU Party. The London mayoral and Assembly elections take place on May 2 and Rejoin EU will be campaigning hard in support of our eleven candidates on the London-wide list for the Assembly.

The London elections take place under a mixed system. The mayor and 14 of the Assembly members are elected by the familiar first-past-the-post system. The remaining 11 members of the Assembly are elected from London-wide party lists by a system of proportional representation. This system is helpful to smaller parties. The Rejoin EU Party’s 11 candidates are standing as one of these London-wide party lists.

So, on May 2, Londoners will have three votes: one for the mayor, one for the Assembly constituency in which they live and third one for a London-wide list of parties. We are hoping at the Rejoin EU Party that the many Londoners who want to re-join the EU will give us their third vote. It’s the best way to send a message to the leaders of the big parties that they need to buck up their ideas on Europe. This is a message we will be hammering home, not just in the London Assembly elections, but in the General Election and beyond.

Having elected members of the London Assembly committed to re-joining the EU will mark an important turning-point in the campaign against Brexit. Opinion polls show an increasing majority of voters, and of Londoners in particular, want to re-join the EU. They recognise Brexit was a mistake and want it reversed. But the main political parties either say as little as they can about Europe, or claim it can still be made to work. The Rejoin EU Party has no time for such evasions. We know and say that.


I hope we will receive your support on May 2. If you know of friends or relatives who might be interested in supporting our party with their third vote, please pass this email on to them. Please also share our posts and other campaign material on social media. Many Londoners will be unfamiliar with the way the London elections work. It may be a pleasant surprise for them to realise they can vote for their favoured party in the mayoral and constituency elections, while supporting in an effective and risk-free way the Rejoin EU Party with their third vote.

The London Assembly elections are a critical opportunity to send a message to the leaders of the Westminster parties.  A strong Rejoin EU Vote will put pressure on them in a way polling can’t. Unfortunately, elections are expensive to run. Please consider supporting our campaign, either by regular donations of a few pounds each month or a single donation for our London campaign. We have a real opportunity over the coming month to focus national attention on our Rejoin mission.

Support our Campaign

Best wishes,

Brendan Donnelly, Leader, Rejoin EU Party

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