The event, which finishes beneath the Eiffel Tower, has seen over 10,000 riders participate across two decades. Brexit has caused…
“He said Brexit has made attracting talent ‘substantially more difficult.’” Brexit is putting London’s ‘tech hub’ status at risk,…
“The former boss of the London Stock exchange has warned that reforms aimed at boosting the market’s competitiveness won’t save…
“The head of England’s leading republican movement has been arrested at an anti-monarchy protest in London.”
UK stock market valuations have slumped since the 2016 vote to leave the EU. Read More
“Nick Train: ‘Dismal’ London losing global appeal.”
“Then came Brexit and years of political turmoil that undermined London’s status as the king of European finance and battered…
“Battle focuses on what EU sees as bloc’s over-reliance on London’s clearing houses handling euro-denominated derivatives.”
“Anti-Brexit rally sees crowds from across UK waving EU flags and blaming Britain’s crisis on departure from union.”