“Britain would not be immune to a trade war.” https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-14088379/Brussels-warning-White-House-harmful-tariffs.html?ico=mol_mobile_moneymarkets-newtab&molReferrerUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%2Fmoney%2Fmarkets%2Findex.html&_gl=1*cbentx*_ga*MTU0MDI3Nzg1NS4xNzMxODU1MTY0*_ga_C9F47K6NW6*MTczMTg1NTE2NC4xLjAuMTczMTg1NTIzNS42MC4wLjE1NTkyNzA5Mzk.
“UK trade is in a dangerous predicament.” https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/donald-trump-trade-tariffs-uk-deal-protectionism-brexit-b2643767.html
“The ‘Single Trade Window’ has been beset with problems.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/nov/06/delay-brexit-border-single-trade-window
“Soaring costs, delays and increased risk all hampering progress, say producers.” https://www.farmersguardian.com/news/4373410/government-cut-brexit-red-tape-boost-trade Government must cut Brexit red tape to boost…
(Alliance News) – Scope Ratings on Friday maintained the outlook on its credit rating for the UK, … Read More
The report’s authors have called for “urgent policy intervention” to arrest the decline in trade. Read More
The new chair of the powerful Commons foreign affairs committee, a surprise omission from the prime minister’s cabinet, said she…
“The findings reveal a sharp decline in both UK exports and imports with the EU.” https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/damage-from-brexit-is-only-worsening-over-time-economists-say_uk_66e93f2de4b0b7fef8328636
While the TCA did not impose tariffs on UK-EU goods, it did introduce non-tariff barriers, such as increased paperwork. Initially,…
Goods exports from the Netherlands to the United Kingdom have fallen behind exports to other countries since the UK left…